Tempasure | Heating and Cooling Excellence in Every Degree

Understanding factors that impact indoor air quality


Understanding factors that impact indoor air quality

In most of our modern lives, we often ignore the air quality we breathe indoors. Several factors can cause indoor air pollution, impacting our health and well-being without us noticing. At Tempasure we prioritize your comfort and safety, which is why we have complained to this guide to help you identify and mitigate potential threats to your indoor air quality pollution

Common culprits of indoor air pollution

Building materials and renovations:

When you think of home improvements, you envision a better living space. However, renovations often introduce volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from paints, varnishes, and carpets, contributing to indoor air pollution. These chemicals can linger long after completing the work, affecting respiratory health and overall air quality.

Solution: Opt for low-VOC or VOC-free products when renovating. Ensure proper ventilation during and after construction to expel pollutants.

Pollen and outdoor allergens:

As much as we cherish the fresh air we want, it can bring allergens like pollen indoors, exaceberating allergies and respiratory issues. In most urban areas, pollutants from vehicle exhaust and industrial emissions infiltrate buildings, further compromising indoor air quality.

Solution: Use high-quality air filters in HVAC systems and regularly clean air ducts. Keep windows closed during high pollen seasons and consider investing in air purifiers with HEPA filters.

Usage of chemical cleaners and air filters:

Many household cleaners and air filters contain a number of chemicals, such as phthalates and ammonia, which release toxic fumes into the air. Continuous exposure to these can lead to respiratory irritation, headaches and other long-term health risks. 

Solution: Opt for natural cleaning products or those labeled as eco-friendly. Open windows when cleaning to ventilate your space and minimize chemical exposure.

Poor ventilation:

Inadequate ventilation traps the pollutants indoors, allowing most of them to accumulate to harmful levels. This is especially problematic in tightly sealed modern buildings designed for energy efficiency, where fresh air exchange is much more limited than the outside. 

Solution: Regularly maintain ventilation systems and ensure they are functioning optimally. Consider using exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms to remove pollutants at the source.

Combustion sources:

Gas stoves, fireplaces, and tobacco smoke are significant sources of indoor air quality pollution, releasing all the carbon monoxide present in the area while also releasing nitrogen dioxide and particular matter. All of these pollutants can easily cause respiratory diseases and even effect cardiovascular health. 

Solution: Properly maintain combustion appliances and ensure adequate ventilation when using them. If possible, switch to cleaner alternatives, such as electric or induction cooktops.

Dust and mold:

Dust harbors allergens such as dust mites and pet dander, while mold also thrives in damp environments, releasing spores into the air. Both can trigger allergies and respiratory issues. 

Solution: Regularly vacuum carpets, clean bedding, and dust surfaces to reduce allergen buildup. Address moisture issues promptly to prevent mold growth, especially in basements and bathrooms.

bad ventilation

As we spend more time indoors, ensuring clean and healthy air becomes increasingly crucial for our overall well-being.

By understanding the common sources of indoor air pollution and implementing practical solutions, you can create a safer and more comfortable living environment.

At Tempasure, we are committed to helping you achieve optimal indoor air quality so you can breathe easy and enjoy your home to the fullest.

For more tips and information, take a look round our website or contact our team today!